Sieben Wochen ohne...
... Coffee and sweets this year. Farewell, my beloved corncob shape corn flavor-ice, and red bean ice cream fish. I'll be back.
alcohol would be too difficult to realize was, especially because I get back next week visit that will see the Promised Land indeed authentic. I remember like the last time, met with the various conferences but on pretty much lack of understanding on the part of gentlemen.
We'll see if I am on Easter Sunday (24.4.) Will be then mutates into a zombie or the Forschungsproduktivitaet can be maintained even with green tea latte. Apparently this is much better for your health.
Addendum: green tea latte is delicious als erwartet. Es hat so einen geilen algigen Geschmack. Total widerlich gut! Ansonsten bin ich schon jetzt ein Zombie, nach nur einem Tag. Wie soll das nur weitergehen...
Schalke 04 - The Blog For The Area
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Rockman Exe Sub Online
Welcome to Schizophrenistan
If I still recall my school days, which was about in French cultural studies not as pronounced. This could however also concerned that the classes were not held by Francis French, the teaching materials have been mostly worked out by bi-national teams and the ability to self-criticism and neutral representation in our neighboring country seems more pronounced. Some were even discussing social problems, hear, hear! Schizophrenia is clearly the very strong represented national pride in this country at the same time in connection with a bit exaggerated strong feelings of inferiority. This leads probably to representations like the following.
Wie ja bereits mehrfach angeklungen ist, geht mir unser Koreanisch-Lesebuch ziemlich auf die Nerven, und beim Lesen der darin enthaltenen Artikel spüre ich meist meinen Blutdruck konsequent steigen. Die Menge an...ähm...sagen wir mal doch recht einseitigen Darstellungen des Gelobten Landes, die darin so vertreten sind, ist schlicht und einfach überwältigend. Nicht daß das bei anderen Koreanischlehrbüchern bedeutend besser gewesen wäre. Sehr gerne thematisiert werden kulturelle Differenzen, natürlich immer mit the aim of the uniqueness of Korean culture to highlight. More or less subtle is often suggested that they not only unique but also much better.
If I still recall my school days, which was about in French cultural studies not as pronounced. This could however also concerned that the classes were not held by Francis French, the teaching materials have been mostly worked out by bi-national teams and the ability to self-criticism and neutral representation in our neighboring country seems more pronounced. Some were even discussing social problems, hear, hear! Schizophrenia is clearly the very strong represented national pride in this country at the same time in connection with a bit exaggerated strong feelings of inferiority. This leads probably to representations like the following.
앞차 는 가족 처럼, 뒤차 는 친구 처럼
("The car in front of you like family, the car behind you as a friend")
This slogan is intended to encourage caution and consideration on the road. Since Koreans (and of course, only Koreans, but not the rest of the world) her family and her friends are so important, was chosen precisely this nice slogan. Thus implying that the road runs the same way.
see figures about something different. So were traffic accidents in 2005, recent figures I could not find examples, such as the cause of death among under 20 year olds. In the 20 to 29 year olds are the second leading cause of death for suicide in the 30-39-year-old to suicide and the third most common cancer. More about it is to read about here. So it's not as if there were no social problems in this country that we discuss quite times could.
Why is older in Korea is always at least a year as the rest of the world
In Korea, the 9 months in the womb to be counted with the age, and it is then so in childbirth just a year old . Older one is not on the birthday, but on New Year's Day by the lunar calendar, when the traditionally eaten on this day served rice cake soup. The reason given for this calculation with the great respect of the Korean people for life, even if it is not yet born.
The figures speak today about a different language. Abortions are actually in Korea illegal, except for rape, incest cases or in health indications. De facto, the law is not enforced, abortions are often used to avoid the "prevention" or the "shame" of an illegitimate maternity, and per year are carried out according to this article about 350,000 (other estimates of 1.5 million per year, official figures do not exist, because the practice is actually illegal). The conservative government is now considering applying the law sharply to increase the low birth rate - great idea, I can say.
By comparison, found in Germany in 2009 110.694 abortions take place and reducing the number of years. But for us it is indeed okay today to raise his child alone or to be single mom. And the knowledge of how woman is not pregnant because if they do not want to seem to be probably a little more widespread.
came in the early 80's to yet another trend. With the availability of ultrasound examinations could easily determine the sex of the fetus. This led to the fact that due to the traditional preference for sons unborn girls are often just bad luck. In China, there is this phenomenon due to the one-child policy in much extreme form. This trend continued into the mid-90s, which resulted in many birth cohorts, which are about 120 boys to 100 girls. (Normal is a rate of about 100 to 105) has since subsided, this practice apparently. In the past, often just as long as further tries until the heir was finally here, which resulted in even more in my age group relative to many guys with 4 or 5 older sisters, while the contrary, is never seen.
respect for unborn life is so very present. But only if it arose under the right circumstances (in-wedlock) and also best to have the correct gender hat.
Während die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Koreas weit vorangeschritten ist, braucht die Entwicklung der Zivilgesellschaft eben doch mehr Zeit, und 20 Jahre Demokratie sind nicht besonders viel, siehe auch manche Regionen in Ostdeutschland. Vermutlich braucht es eben auch einfach eine Weile, bis man lernt, offen gesellschaftliche Probleme und Schieflagen zu thematisieren oder diese auch noch mit Ausländern im Sprachunterricht zu diskutieren...
Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie kritisch Deutsch als Fremdsprache- oder Landeskundebücher mit kritischen Tendenzen in der zeitgenössischen deutschen Gesellschaft umgehen. Ich hoffe nur sehr, daß sie etwas neutraler sind und sich die 40 Jahre Demokratievorsprung zeigen.
Daß sich manches bereits im Wandel befindet, zeigt unter anderem diese Initiative . Die Anfänge sind also durchaus im Entstehen begriffen, und das ist auch gut so.
Daß sich manches bereits im Wandel befindet, zeigt unter anderem diese Initiative . Die Anfänge sind also durchaus im Entstehen begriffen, und das ist auch gut so.
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