One week it's been since I swam through the tropics, wheel went and ran. Having on Friday evening on 5 3. came home, I was on the following Saturday morning again take the snow shovel in hand, to free the access road to our house of 10 cm of fresh snow. I imagined such a thing already behind me, when I flew off to Malaysia? Well, now costs the snow shovels at least no more training time.
The day after the competition in Kuah flew by. Sunday Award party at which I was the first time at the podium (a nice feeling for those who need more arguments, but to extend the current session for half an hour longer). Monday chilling by the pool, pack Tuesday trip to Dietrich and Asdis main attraction in Langkawi, the Cabel Car with a view from 720m above the island world and the Krododilfarm, Wednesday wildlife park and individual swimming coaching by a Belgian Floats Rainier, Thursday, pool life und am Abend die Abreise.

Vorher ist aber noch einiges zu erledigen. Lernen aus dem Vergangenen und Verbesserungen formulieren und umsetzen für zukünftige Rennen. Die Rennauswertung warf für mich einige Fragen auf:
Ein Faktor ist sicher, dass die Strömungsverhältnisse ungünstig waren, was Mitstreiter ebenfalls geäußert haben. Alle sprachen von schlechten persönlichen Schwimmzeiten in Langkawi, was mich my time can be relative. However, I know that this can and will be better off working for Hawaii on my swimming performance. Important notes for that I got from the excellent swimmers Dietrich ( ) and someone who is trained Belgian top athletes from the swimming area.
A key for this was that I took with my full race nutrition. 12 PowerBar gel I had with a bum bag and ate two gel next to a bottle of Gatorade and a bottle wasss per hour. I also avoided any exposure, which claimed my legs over 300W, especially uphill. At first I was overtaken on the hills of many, but very quickly I was able to catch up again on the long downhill or on the straight sections. All in all: A perfect running pace on the bike, not for me to beat.
Here in Kuah I fell strongly with 3:51 on my target. Early in my pulse was not completed, he was too high. In the middle part of it fell below 150 BPM, much too low, and only in the last 2 / 10 of course he came back. My breathing rate from the beginning was way too high. It felt about the whole time I had a pulse rate over 170 BPM. I only know when I'm traveling much faster.
A final explanation I have not. My diet was as always: 8 PowerBarGels enriched with caffeine and half a gram of extra salt dissolved in the drinking belt, the optimal amount of KH, and NaCl for the duration of his 3:30 marathon.
In the end, I weighed 68 KG KG, two more than at the start of the race. That was 4 kg more than expected, definitely not optimal. Perhaps that was because of my phobia, generally consume too little liquid in this race and overshot the target to be. Maybe that was only at the unusually high number of aid stations on the 5th Circuit, which in addition to the many animated Geheinlagen to increased fluid intake.
Certainly, the climatic conditions that had to offer in addition to high temperatures above 35 degrees, extremely humid that day, another reason for a worse running time.
After five laps run course I still had a 1.3 km section on the way meet the goal. After I am on the last lap to call my placement through Asdis and the subsequent release of my last effort was expended completely, I forced myself to walk for so long, until a competitor of alleged would show up with behind. I need not emphasize that this route lasted forever and I always turned around to take any Abwehrnaßnahmen. Only when I turned into the destination channel, I resumed my running pace and tried to make a good figure when essential intake, which I succeeded only moderately.
want you, the blog-tracking thanks I for the fingers crossed and good wishes for my adventure. I will report back no later than October from Kona, Hawaii, and let you participate if my above assumptions led to an improvement in my performance.