Monday, August 16, 2010

How Do I Adopt A Platypus From A Zoo

preparation is going well

past few months went by in a flash. The luxury of an early Hawaiian quality was a perfectly predictable preparation for the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii.

early May was the training plan in the "classic variant" based on the theory of Training Joe Friel, the endurance of the U.S., a pope. Three months to three weeks and a rise in base recovery week (BASE-phase) were replaced by 2 months of the BUILD phase, in which kind of intertwined längereTempoeinheiten.

Three months basic training ended on 25 Successful July for me. was a week before the conclusion I reach the Hamburg Triathlon a good time and placement. 2:18:15 hours were only slightly slower than my best time on the same route in a less stressful training phase. # 5 of 450 was in the AK M45 my best finish ever in HH.

My Build-weeks to 24 weeks of hours, I cope any more simply. The "Key sessions", eg Wednesdays 3:30 hours Radintervalle with 4 * 40 min in the WK-tempo and a 1.30 hour-long drive coupling in fast 4:30 to 4:50 min / km after Hoses enormous. Fridays are always followed by a long run in the pleasant 5-section between 2:30 to 3:00 hours on Sunday ending weeks of long Rad-/Laufeineiten amounting to 6-7h. Wheel and an hour running right away. The week gaps are filled with three swimming pools, two power studio, two wheel drive and up to two other units.

At the end of the third BASE-month blocks I have another competition, the keel-Triathlon woven. I had done on Wednesday or the hard coupling unit and before that the long run, three days were sufficient at a reduced load, to achieve a good result again. 2:12 hours on the Olympic distance with the best individual times, such as a 10km run in 38:10 to encourage the next challenges.

If you want to follow the training schedule takes him here to download.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

How Can I Find A Shiny Stone

TV report on Sport1

morning, 08/08/2010, Sport1, 9 am (shameless time) Stoke reported the Bike Transalp 2010

with our dip in the lake.)