Sunday, January 30, 2011

Crochet Sheepskin Booties Free Pattern

from Google on my blog referring search terms, Episode 2

At the risk that this (much like the white-Negro Wumbaba song interrogators by Axel Hacke) quickly becomes listless, I must once again the best search terms to share with you that on my blog have made:
  • sauna classmate
  • craft sheets breakfast
  • I have a perspective in Germany?
  • North Korea sex
The first question tjaja - whether there would anyone worry about made, whether one day after the Biounterricht can still look into the eyes after a joint visit to the infamous mixed sauna? Dr. summer probably had no relevant hints about ready.
puzzling, however, at least for me, is the second search term. As you look at a tinkers breakfast? For information of any kind I am here very grateful. Be my Dr. summer!
is downright philosophical contrast, number three. Why the blog referred to my right unphilosophical will probably remain for ever the secret of Google's search algorithm.
can for the last term I only attended the renowned leader in the field, which emerged already here Bruce C. of C. point. According to his Reference Book on the average North Koreans lost only after the end of eight years of military service in the land of his innocence. Here, too, to me, the relationship developed the theme of the book, just quite hard, but - Sex sells, especially when it takes place on the axis of evil. A friendly Koreanistin (hahaha) has assured me credible, that none of her students are currently planning a research paper on the subject ...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Leather Bracelets Engraved From Seaworld

class discussion

... on Alcohol, um vs. individualism. Collectivism last week:
beer for herd animals
and egoists.
was last read in our text in Korean Language Education's request that the "Westerners" are indeed all individuals, while the "people of the East" We all write very large. No comment, but:
was illustrated (more or better, Korean-textbook-typical), this argument landestypisch including with alcohol: while include in Korea, the beer bottle a pint, so that they can better drink together, have the beer bottles in the "West" generally a smaller format so they can drink alone. The rest of my comment
Polish classmate: Why do they have any at the den Sojuflaschen (340 ml) nicht auch durchgezogen, und warum sind die Wodkaflaschen bei uns Individualisten dann einen ganzen Liter groß? Mein Pausenkommentar: In Deutschland trinken wir auch einen halben Liter alleine, kein Problem. Und nach der Argumentation müßten die Bierflaschen in Korea dann eher drei Liter groß sein, denn eine reicht eigentlich nur selten aus, wenn man gemeinsam trinkt.
Schülermund tut Wahrheit kund, kann ich da nur sagen...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Check Licence Plate Availability Ontario

Currently in preparation:


short film of the FAK Vienna Studiobau

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Renewing A Drivers Licence In Columbus Ohio

construction Week 02 Week 52 & 01

Wednesday 13 January

Today is again a letter to the company Glatthaar been sent. We wonder if at some point a response is ... Topic basement ceiling lowering effect remain unclear (4 months have passed).

Monday 10 January

Today and tomorrow will built the kitchen. As we have already ordered the kitchen for a very long time but it is a surprise as it looks, and above all, how big it is. Even then, the decisions made-to-door opening directions, fridge be considered left or right next time. But after 2 days of hard work the company kitchen the result looks great.

What we need to do, is the drywall for the special look.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Worst Christian Phrases

Training Camp Mallorca, January 2011

Jetzt erst, am Tag der Abreise in die "Kältekammer Norddeutschland", schaffe ich es, einen Blogeintrag zu verfassen. Es ist gleich 12:00 Uhr,  meine Sachen sind gepackt und ich warte auf den Shuttle zum Flughafen.

Hinter mir liegt eine Woche mit traumhaften Trainingsbedingungen. Draußen sind es wieder 18 bis 20 Grad Celsius und die Sonne scheint. Heute morgen um 8:00 Uhr habe ich wie jeden Morgen seit dem 2. Januar eine Laufeinheit am Balenario, der Strandpromenade von El Arenal absolviert, natürlich wieder in kurzer Tight.

An den anderen Tagen sind wir, das sind Silke, Jens und ich, nach gemeinsamem Frühstück at 11:00 clock set off with the racing wheels. Mostly, we were in the hilly area between 4 and 5 hours on the road. On 6 January, we have also ventured into the mountains, back across the Col de Soller to Deja, and Valdemossea. Given the just beginning training season that was already borderline exhausting;. We are then fell half dead in the beds and we could only with difficulty for dinner rouse again the most shallow steps led us north or south by Randa around with a stop in Petra , a popular stopover for cyclists racing around the island. A cappuccino tastes like 2 to 2.5 hours How ever delicious. Then comes the Rückweg auch etwas einfacher.

Meine Laufformentwicklung kann ich noch nicht abschätzen. Meinen Plan, morgens eine Stunde zu laufen, danach 4-5 Stunden radzufahren um abends dann noch einmal zu laufen, musste ich bereits am zweiten Tag des Trainingslagers aufgeben. Zwei Laufeinheiten am Tag mit eingebetteter Radtour sind für mich derzeit einfach zu viel. Selbst an dem Tag, an dem ich die Radtour sausen ließ, ging es am Abend nur mühsam laufend voran.

Überhaupt, meine Beine fühlten sich zu keiner Zeit gut an. Die Knochenhaut an Schienbein, die Achillissehnen, Kniegelenke und die Muskeln waren abwechselnd schmerzhaft oder so fest, dass sich kein runder Laufstil developed. Each mobile unit has been an ordeal. I hope that the ride will change very soon, I mean training goals on the way to Marathon in Rotterdam on 10 April reach.

Traininslager This was so seen no step forward for a better run-training experience. Hopefully the next few days to show changes in the desired direction so that the training camp later met its meaning.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sonicare Toothbrush Cause Gum Recession


Over the holidays were no trades planned. The time was used to perform internal activities with some family:
- Delete from the basement
- laminate lay in the basement
- tiles of the bathrooms
- tiles set in the living room

followed by pictures ...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Steve Earle - Copperhead Road Midi

"Twinni or so"

Short Film Academy of Vienna in December 2010
Director: Lisa Weber
Camera: Sebastian Mayr
Facilities: Pia Jaros