The unthinkable occurs: AK-win!
later one day I'm still excited by the impressions of the previous day, and its consequences. Now stands at 3 Time after 2007 and 2008 Ironman Hawaii in October on the plan. But first the race.
unusually late, at 7:45 clock we were released after the usual check in and Bodymarking on the swim course. As in Hawaii, it is a long straight with 1,850 m length, which was floated back and forth. The special feature of this route are the uncertainties with the flow, this time made a very slow swim time and swim to the possible risk of fire in the jellyfish tentacles. They caught me at a weak calf and ankle, others were less fortunate. Dietrich has suffered a huge Feuermahl the neck, resulting in severe nausea throughout the next track. Even at the finish he had to be treated.
reached after 1:13:36 hours I saving the pontoon, which we got into the water and put on a planned, detailed changes. In addition to that of my Langarmkompressionsshirts coating to prevent sunburn (you learn something) and to cool it was important to me carefully einzuschmieren me with sunscreen and to drink already in T1. The Order of the sunscreen ultimately amounted to a war paint, was not my primary goal.
The Radpart was exciting. As the route roughly in a flat and a wave part can be divided, my tactic was to always occur on a balanced level of wattage. The result was that I was on the straight sections and the downhill sections relatively quickly, was much slower on the uphill sections, leading as many others. My calculation was that everyone take off your shoes and I in the last Raddrittel still have sufficient reserves to overtake. And the plan worked perfectly. The last 60km, I still can connect my "220W and most of those who were initially more often me berg highly outdated, very old. Over 5,000 km on the Role in the cellar and another 700 km on Mallorca in January is thanks that I could rate my power meter and good. That was my best performance was look back on the bike, I get so far in a race.
was very angry with my fourth of four rounds, two of three aid stations did not have any more drinks. I feel sorry for all the athletes who afterwards went completely dry and were in great difficulties in the tropical temperatures.
for the 2nd Change of the wheel on the run course I ordered a lot of time, knowing that the biggest challenge still lay ahead of me. My tactic was to always run to the aid stations, food and water while walking record and immediately start moving. The course was ideal for this five rounds, recovered only a risk because of the many aid stations to pull down the overall pace much. Of course I could also omit some stations, but the telling of his head, if you already "on the bollard is. In short, I have stoped at each Aidstation and got ice front and rear poured into my jersey until the dice rattled when running on the pulse belt. In addition I have put a lot of sponges over my body and kept wet my shirt in order to benefit from evaporative cooling. The compression properties of the shirt helped the ice longer hold in the upper body, which gave a good effect.
was after four of five laps, I actually finished. Only with much difficulty that I could still stand up and shimmy from station to station. And then I called out to Asdis, Hilton SMS informed of my placement, I was well on the way to win my age group. What can I say, first I could not believe it, then I'd only be afraid! I was so ready that I - before a permanent Geheinlage to finish pondering - could no longer risk losing the position. Of course I had no idea that the second of my age group lagged a half hour. It was the horror! Almost in a trance I have swung in the next 10 km from station to station, am always started on a 4:45 to 5:00 min / km rate, have taken out, dumped ice into the shirt, cola drink, Schämme down and dreamed of better days . And it has finally passed! I've crossed the finish line and thought, as I had AK winner now push the target banner in the air.
Further details from the finish in the channel and before that I no longer have. I was completely done and was immediately cashed by the medical staff. There was a health check with ECG and blood pressure measurement, measurement of body temperature (39 degrees!) And weight (+2 KG!). Because of the many Aidstations I must have drunk too much.
went after one hour in the Med area including massage it better again and I realized that this was my first victory in an AK-Ironman race. This, as well as a 25th Place overall, was for me outside of the imaginable, when I arrived on here. Now I look forward to the award party and the slot allocation.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
How Long To Recover Frompleurisy Inflammation
Pasta Party ...
... is called indispensable in Ironman events, often degenerating into gluttony, followed by eating together, quickly ending party. After all participants, officials, volunteers, guests and sponsors sustainable looted the buffet was followed by speeches, followed by Live music under balmy skies. The food was preferred because it would defeat the darkness to 20:00 clock a specific food.
would then "slip" and the Europeans with slightly different eating habits compared to the Asians this dessert may be. The
tasted exactly as it was in broad daylight: he was really unfit!
... is called indispensable in Ironman events, often degenerating into gluttony, followed by eating together, quickly ending party. After all participants, officials, volunteers, guests and sponsors sustainable looted the buffet was followed by speeches, followed by Live music under balmy skies. The food was preferred because it would defeat the darkness to 20:00 clock a specific food.
would then "slip" and the Europeans with slightly different eating habits compared to the Asians this dessert may be. The
tasted exactly as it was in broad daylight: he was really unfit!
87 Yamaha Phazer Carb Kit
Only two more days ...
... separate us from the start at Ironman Malaysia. The start time of the morning at 7:45 clock. This is unusually late, because the darkness would affect an earlier swimming.
were thinking about the race today but still quite far away. We made us after breakfast on the "Pantai Cenang, one of the flagship beaches in Langkawi. The 25-minute taxi ride over parts of the bike course on Saturday resulted in the southern portion of the island below the airport. Here we found all that a beach holiday for sun (and the Ironmen) forget their worries for a moment: finely powdered, white and very clean beach sand, palm trees in the background and other tropical plants, hot water bath and beach bars. The photos speak for themselves.
... separate us from the start at Ironman Malaysia. The start time of the morning at 7:45 clock. This is unusually late, because the darkness would affect an earlier swimming.
were thinking about the race today but still quite far away. We made us after breakfast on the "Pantai Cenang, one of the flagship beaches in Langkawi. The 25-minute taxi ride over parts of the bike course on Saturday resulted in the southern portion of the island below the airport. Here we found all that a beach holiday for sun (and the Ironmen) forget their worries for a moment: finely powdered, white and very clean beach sand, palm trees in the background and other tropical plants, hot water bath and beach bars. The photos speak for themselves.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
How To Make Effcet On Oovoo
Our hotel has a huge ground-floor meeting room for die Teilnehmer des IRONMAN zu einer riesigen Bikehalle umgewidmet wurde. Geradezu deutsche Gründlichkeit hat das Hotelpersonal animiert, eigene "Boxen" mit Tischen abzutrennen, die Startnummern mit Namen der Teilnehmer auf einem Papierbogen an der Rand zu heften und damit Ordnung im Bikepark zu schaffen. Rechtzeitiges Erscheinen sicherte auch hier den besten Platz wie man anhand meiner Platznummer erkennen kann.
Kurze Zeit später waren wir bei der Renneinschreibung. Neben der üblichen Abholung von Unterlagen wurde ich erstmals medizinisch vor Ort untersucht. Eine Ärztin prüfte per Stethoskop die Herztöne, der Blutdruck und das Körpergewicht wurde ermittelt. Erwartungsgemäß I was "running fit" and says now is a start from this side nothing more.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Long Hair Woman Strangle Movie
The days pass tougher the closer the time draws near the race. Training in the Taperphase to plan must be weighed against the climatic conditions, that you put the plan through the swim, bike, running or switching units, and risks to overwhelm or you give the body more time to be expected without much effort continue to adapt to the conditions? I chose the latter and try to go at least once a day on the bike or the run course. Swimming in the pool by each program free to relax in Anschluss an die andere Einheit statt.
Samstag hat sich eine Erkältung bei mir angekündigt. Sonntag ist sie ausgebrochen mit schwellenden Schleimhäuten und einem Mattigkeitsgefühl. Die Symptome sind nicht so schlimm und ich denke, dass das die körperliche Bestätigung meines sehr gemäßigten Taperprogramms ist. Ursache dessen wird der Wechsel von Hitze zu Kälte, verursacht durch Klimaanlagen, sein. Die Klimaanlage in unserem Hotelzimmer haben wir zwar abgeschaltet, aber der Frühstücksraum, die Flure und die Lobby sind gekühlt. Gleiches gilt für Einkaufsläden, die man alleine schon um den Wasserbedarf zu stillen regelmäßig aufsuchen muss, die Taxen und die Restaurants sowie alle weiteren Locations, unless they are in the open. In short, the air conditioning system can not escape, you have to live with it.
The closer the race day draws near, the more "jewels" take the streets and the more points to the event, which is described here as "Toughest Show on Earth". The photo is on the way to "Langkawi's Largest Shopping Mall" near the "Jetti Point" - were ferry terminals. Here Dietrich had not hurt your feet.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Sibutramina Tranlate To English
Pre Race - Chill out
Of course, the tourist do not miss out on a trip to the equator. For loose 1.200m swim training in the pool we took a taxi to get us to the Beringin Beach to let go, the next beach near us. This turned out to be not so nice, so like throwing a glance in the adjacent bay.
After an adventurous journey which fortunately photographed leaving out the "Malaysian Füßgängerhochtrasse," we looked at the beach of the Westin Langkawi, a resort in the vicinity of our *****- Kuah town.
This venue was so tempting that we spontaneously decided to spend some time. Must look it in paradise ...
Of course, the tourist do not miss out on a trip to the equator. For loose 1.200m swim training in the pool we took a taxi to get us to the Beringin Beach to let go, the next beach near us. This turned out to be not so nice, so like throwing a glance in the adjacent bay.
After an adventurous journey which fortunately photographed leaving out the "Malaysian Füßgängerhochtrasse," we looked at the beach of the Westin Langkawi, a resort in the vicinity of our *****- Kuah town.
This venue was so tempting that we spontaneously decided to spend some time. Must look it in paradise ...
Friday, February 19, 2010
Dizziness And Trapezius Strain
Pre Race - Training
Timely Known to arrive gives a good fit. It is however a risk that with increasing time on the ground of respect for the task to be performed more and more increasing. This can be good, but also paralyzing. Well, let's assume at first.
On Thursday and Friday I traveled to Dietrich, the bike course. The approach is already used to. Already after the 500m swim exit to expect a 10% slope for about 400m. Then it drops steeply downhill and it directly follows a sharp left turn on bumpy ground, which is really dangerous.
then runs the route over 45km on a good flat Aspalter without special challenges. The loop around the airport featuring the hottest point of the course. Despite the constant movement of air is there not the feeling of cooling, on the contrary. What follows is a 35km long-wavelength range with constant ups and downs with some over 10% gradients. Pro Round 5 increases are outstanding, which are run to four times. Click to add up the climb and with increasing number of rounds it will certainly be very painful.
On Thursday, we had measured on the bike, on average, 35 degrees, 37.5 degrees on Friday. The peak values \u200b\u200bof 43 degrees! A look at comparative figures from Hawaii in 2007 and 2008, which never auswiesen an average of more than 33 degrees back, the tips of the Andre rechte Licht der sagte, dass es hier viel heißer sei als in Kona. Als Dietrich und ich uns am Freitag mehrmals verfuhren und ungeplanter Weise über 2:30 Stunden unterwegs waren mit je nur zwei Radflaschen bekam ich eine Ahnung davon was passiert, wenn man bei diesen extremen Verhältnissen "trocken läuft". Mit dem letzten Tropfen erreichten wir völlig platt das Hotel und waren heilfroh, es wieder hierhin geschafft zu haben.
Für den Samstag waren wir somit bedient, was das Radfahren anbetraf. Es gibt ja noch andere Sachen ...
Timely Known to arrive gives a good fit. It is however a risk that with increasing time on the ground of respect for the task to be performed more and more increasing. This can be good, but also paralyzing. Well, let's assume at first.
On Thursday and Friday I traveled to Dietrich, the bike course. The approach is already used to. Already after the 500m swim exit to expect a 10% slope for about 400m. Then it drops steeply downhill and it directly follows a sharp left turn on bumpy ground, which is really dangerous.
then runs the route over 45km on a good flat Aspalter without special challenges. The loop around the airport featuring the hottest point of the course. Despite the constant movement of air is there not the feeling of cooling, on the contrary. What follows is a 35km long-wavelength range with constant ups and downs with some over 10% gradients. Pro Round 5 increases are outstanding, which are run to four times. Click to add up the climb and with increasing number of rounds it will certainly be very painful.
On Thursday, we had measured on the bike, on average, 35 degrees, 37.5 degrees on Friday. The peak values \u200b\u200bof 43 degrees! A look at comparative figures from Hawaii in 2007 and 2008, which never auswiesen an average of more than 33 degrees back, the tips of the Andre rechte Licht der sagte, dass es hier viel heißer sei als in Kona. Als Dietrich und ich uns am Freitag mehrmals verfuhren und ungeplanter Weise über 2:30 Stunden unterwegs waren mit je nur zwei Radflaschen bekam ich eine Ahnung davon was passiert, wenn man bei diesen extremen Verhältnissen "trocken läuft". Mit dem letzten Tropfen erreichten wir völlig platt das Hotel und waren heilfroh, es wieder hierhin geschafft zu haben.
Für den Samstag waren wir somit bedient, was das Radfahren anbetraf. Es gibt ja noch andere Sachen ...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Eagle, Globe And Anchor Clip Art
Malaysia 2010 - Arrived
Kaum zu glauben, aber jetzt ist es soweit. Ich sitze im Zimmer 907 des Bay View Hotels in Kuah, dem größten Ort der Langkawi island in northern Malaysia, close to the border to Thailand. The first two days are behind us and first impressions are obtained.
The journey proved to be problematic. The transfer times after the start in Berlin at the airport of Amsterdam and Kuala Lumpur were comfortable. The luggage and the wheel is above all arrived undamaged, wheel-Cardboard box of rose and a lot of air film is thanks.
The route from the airport by taxi to Kuah was impressive. A horde of monkeys crossed the road and the driver made no effort to brake. Fortunately, none of them came under the wheels. The number of moped riders moving in the right casual intercourse, probably also a dangerous Leben. Nur Zentimeter-Abstände trennen auffahrende Autos frontal oder seitlich von den Modeds bei voller Fahrt. Der Linksverkehr macht die Szenerie für uns Europäer noch unüberschaubarer. Gut, dass die Taxipreise auf einem derart günstigen Niveau sind, dass man gar nicht auf die Idee kommt, selber mit einem Mietwagen zu fahren.
Das Bay View Hotel ist ganz ordentlich, die Lage etwas unglücklich.
Uns umgeben massenweise Einkaufsläden, in denen zollfreie Waren verkauft werden. Und die sind auf die Bedürfnisse von Asiaten, allen voran Chinesen abgestimmt. Hier gibt es nur Restaurants mit jedwedem toten (Tinten-)Fisch, frisch und getrocknet, aufringlich stinkend oder neutral eingetütet. Ich habe in meinem Leben noch keinen plattgedrückten, getrockneten und bis zu einem Meter langen Calmar am Stück in einer durchsichtigen Folie (nicht luftdich!) eingeschweißt und aufrecht in einem Galerieständer wie bei uns für Poster üblich dargeboten gesehen. Ich glaub ich mach die Tage mal ein Foto davon ;-)
Ansonsten gibt es in diesen vielen Läden Berge von Markenschokolade, Porzellan u. Haushaltsgegenstände, T-Shirts, Koffer u. Rücksäcke sowie Tabakwaren. Ach ja, nicht zu vergessen der ganze Nippes kleiner Andenken, für deren Verbreitung die Chinesen bekannt sind.
Man kommt sich vor wie in Chinatown, nein besser wie am "Ballermann für Chinesen". Überhaupt erscheint Langkawi das Mallorca for the Chinese to be.
are buying food, we order a taxi drove out to a supermarket. There was everything else needs of Asians, basic foodstuffs, for example. Striking here is that Rice will only be available in packs of 10 kg in a variety that takes one language. One finds shopping cart with 40 or even 50 kg of rice in it.
are getting used to for us as here Kuturfremde some Muslims with their vollverschleierten women. Silent because they give up in the breakfast room, collect food at the buffet and for their husbands, are simply present at the table while he eats and warp after he stood up, without having eaten. They take great care that the slit is in her full veil as small as possible, which can be seen not even an eyebrow. That's a whole different world!
Nevertheless, the temperatures of the keel is clearly different acclimation progressing well. Our hotel has a 18m long pool, which is appropriate for training. Also
first 25 minutes running units on Wednesday and 1.5 hours bike ride today at 36 to 40 degrees were loose. Running and cycling I can do to Dietrich from Austria, is located one floor above us.
Kaum zu glauben, aber jetzt ist es soweit. Ich sitze im Zimmer 907 des Bay View Hotels in Kuah, dem größten Ort der Langkawi island in northern Malaysia, close to the border to Thailand. The first two days are behind us and first impressions are obtained.
The journey proved to be problematic. The transfer times after the start in Berlin at the airport of Amsterdam and Kuala Lumpur were comfortable. The luggage and the wheel is above all arrived undamaged, wheel-Cardboard box of rose and a lot of air film is thanks.
The route from the airport by taxi to Kuah was impressive. A horde of monkeys crossed the road and the driver made no effort to brake. Fortunately, none of them came under the wheels. The number of moped riders moving in the right casual intercourse, probably also a dangerous Leben. Nur Zentimeter-Abstände trennen auffahrende Autos frontal oder seitlich von den Modeds bei voller Fahrt. Der Linksverkehr macht die Szenerie für uns Europäer noch unüberschaubarer. Gut, dass die Taxipreise auf einem derart günstigen Niveau sind, dass man gar nicht auf die Idee kommt, selber mit einem Mietwagen zu fahren.
Das Bay View Hotel ist ganz ordentlich, die Lage etwas unglücklich.
Uns umgeben massenweise Einkaufsläden, in denen zollfreie Waren verkauft werden. Und die sind auf die Bedürfnisse von Asiaten, allen voran Chinesen abgestimmt. Hier gibt es nur Restaurants mit jedwedem toten (Tinten-)Fisch, frisch und getrocknet, aufringlich stinkend oder neutral eingetütet. Ich habe in meinem Leben noch keinen plattgedrückten, getrockneten und bis zu einem Meter langen Calmar am Stück in einer durchsichtigen Folie (nicht luftdich!) eingeschweißt und aufrecht in einem Galerieständer wie bei uns für Poster üblich dargeboten gesehen. Ich glaub ich mach die Tage mal ein Foto davon ;-)
Ansonsten gibt es in diesen vielen Läden Berge von Markenschokolade, Porzellan u. Haushaltsgegenstände, T-Shirts, Koffer u. Rücksäcke sowie Tabakwaren. Ach ja, nicht zu vergessen der ganze Nippes kleiner Andenken, für deren Verbreitung die Chinesen bekannt sind.
Man kommt sich vor wie in Chinatown, nein besser wie am "Ballermann für Chinesen". Überhaupt erscheint Langkawi das Mallorca for the Chinese to be.
are buying food, we order a taxi drove out to a supermarket. There was everything else needs of Asians, basic foodstuffs, for example. Striking here is that Rice will only be available in packs of 10 kg in a variety that takes one language. One finds shopping cart with 40 or even 50 kg of rice in it.
are getting used to for us as here Kuturfremde some Muslims with their vollverschleierten women. Silent because they give up in the breakfast room, collect food at the buffet and for their husbands, are simply present at the table while he eats and warp after he stood up, without having eaten. They take great care that the slit is in her full veil as small as possible, which can be seen not even an eyebrow. That's a whole different world!
Nevertheless, the temperatures of the keel is clearly different acclimation progressing well. Our hotel has a 18m long pool, which is appropriate for training. Also
first 25 minutes running units on Wednesday and 1.5 hours bike ride today at 36 to 40 degrees were loose. Running and cycling I can do to Dietrich from Austria, is located one floor above us.
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