Sunday, October 24, 2010

Black Blotvches On Lcd

construction Week 43 2010

30th October own performance Steichen exterior
Today we had to withdraw support to our external facade. The wood has a lot of structure, it has taken a long time. But the result speaks for itself. The color is almost the color of the window and is much more modern. We are curious how it will look with the roof tiles and bricks.

26th October 18.00 clock are already prepared some installations.
particular has done much in the attic. The Velux Venster was set;

The first insulation was laid in the ground, and fastened planking.

has also changed outside stuff. The dormer was insulated and made the pages. At the front pages was the Zierbeplankung attached and suspended the suspension of the rain gutter:

28th October 17.00 clock
one days on the job site was not directly equal a few increments means not noticed. It's crazy how quickly are changes. Today, all sides are level on the top floor and already is some proof.
The electrician from ELKU have given gas, the complete wiring is pulled across the house and installed as far as possible. It still lacks the earthed sockets and switches, because of course we have again what you want outside the standard range.

25th October 08.00 clock electrical, plumbing and installation work
Today was the first time really something going on the site. A total of eight people were busy building our house. Were
At 8.00 clock in the morning the chief engineer, the plumbing company and we Müller on the site. After we have spoken have carried the theme, the project supervisor was adopted and the Frank Miller got down to work. Today we started with the piping in the basement and in the guest bathroom.

After we had just finished talks with the supervisor and the plumbing, an order for electric cars were driven up to deliver installation. Less than 2 minutes later were also of the electricians ELKU from Berlin at the door. Even with whom we have spoken the issues. When I came back in the evening at the construction site a lot has happened. Were everywhere down the cables were holes drilled in the walls for electrical installations and pipes were laid in shower room and cellar.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blue Print For A Rale Gun

construction Week 42 2010

22nd October 18.00 clock
course, the differences of a geek are not as serious as the last days. The roof panel has been installed and, above all, House has done good stuff. Since Monday, the electrician has to come a lot to be prepared for what happened in the last 2 days.

20th October 09.00 clock
After a bad night's sleep (heavy rain event in Munich), it seems Langenbruck, in the opinion of local people "the most beautiful spots in Bavaria," to have been much smoother. From the heavy rain no language!
Today managed to have the porch and the dormer set and the roof is water tight in the evening, which is a pretty good feeling.

19th October 07.00 clock arrival in the construction area.
After a lot of "morning stress," we are just in time to see the building site to ensure that the first wall is lifted into the air. The ground floor is built up so quickly that concerns us, the thought crossed his mind that the roof within half a day on it is. After a short break for breakfast around 10 clock The ground floor is completely set.
the afternoon progresses, the construction progress more slowly, now it is little more "house", most parts must now be cut to proper size and can be measured and positioned correctly. In the evening, the highest point is reached. Unfortunately, the roof is not too.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Much Is A Replacement Uk Driving License?

electric and telephone

After a long time nothing went on the property today is a major hurdle overcome, the electrical system of the DEA and the telephone connection of the Telekom are connected.

seemed, after many conversations with several contacts of EON, the scheduling Situation problematisch. Aber Ausdauer gewinnt, und statt 6 Wochen Vorlaufzeit war es nach 2 Wochen Wartezeit so weit; 
Ohne Probleme wurde die Leitungen gelegt und vor allem wurde von den Herren mit gedacht wie wir mit weniger Leitungslängen auskommen würden; statt 38 m haben wir nur 14 m Leitung gebraucht, was einiges in den Kosten ausmacht.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What Is The Difference Between Excpt And Cpht

Raceday, the report

4:30 clock, 5:00 clock exit to the pier, Bodymarking, inflate tires, swimming suit (thanks Marco for the loan), it's Last photos the family and into the water!
As simple as the story writes the start of a race day, which takes place in Hawaii as in almost any other IRONMAN. Here is special, the mood of each individual with the knowledge that not to be beat for almost all participants of this event is. What is happening in our sport for over the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii?

So ist es auch besonders, wenn man sich langsam an die Startlinie heranschwimmt, die jetzt nur noch vereinzelt auftretenden Fische ins Auge fasst und einen Blick nach der einen oder anderen Unterwasserkamera riskiert. Wer jetzt noch keine Gänsehaut hatte wurde spätenstens beim Beginn der gesungenen Hymne von Hawaii schwach.
Die Stimmung wechselte von einer Sekunde zur anderen mit dem Startschuss. Hier weiß jeder, der schon einmal in Kailua-Kona gestartet ist, dass das, was folgt, den absoluten Ausnahmezustand wiedergibt. Ist man sonst gewohnt, sich nach kurzer Zeit freizuschwimmen, hängt man hier bis zum Schwimmausstieg im "Pack" und bekriegt sich gegenseitig bei der Wahl der besten Schwimmlinie. Und gut schwimmen können hier die meisten!

Ich hatte ím Gegensatz zu den vergangenen Jahren humane Mitstreiter um mich, d.h. das Gerangel hielt sich in Grenzen und ich konnte weitgehend meine Linie unter Ausnutzung meiner Möglichkeiten schwimmen. Oft suchte und fand ich "schnelle Füße" von einem vor mir schwimmenden Teilnehmer, um Kraft zu sparen.
Schon in der letzten Woche verlief mein Schwimmtraining verheißungsvoll. So war ich richtig happy, als ich nach ca. 1:07 Std. aus dem Wasser kam, glatte 3 Minuten schneller als meine Bestzeit auf dieser Strecke. Ich touchierte zuletzt noch the feet of Danny, who swam at the exit in front of me, but I could not make themselves understood to have her good wishes to give up the path.

Bike record bag, swimming suit off and put on T-Shirt, the wheel running, helmet on, glasses on and barefoot - the cycling shoes I always fix the wheel - with the hands start moving the wheel.
It all happened very fast, but wg. the Umzieherei, especially in the longsleeve compression shirt, the change in me takes a little longer. This delay, I am happy to accept it, I'd been burned often enough in such a scorching sun, dass ich Tage danach noch mit den Auswirkungen zu kämpfen hatte.

Sofort die erste Iso Flasche austrinken, Gel einwerfen, Tempo kontrollieren!

Das sind die wichtigsten Dinge nach jedem T1 Wechsel aufs Rad, nicht nur hier in Hawaii. Basierend auf den Erfahrungen der vergangenen beiden Starts konntrollierte ich den Raddruck intensiv und dosierte nur vorsichtig die Kraft. Laut Marschplan abgeleitet aus meinen Trainingsaufzeichnungen sollten 220 Watt von Anfang bis Ende durchgetreten werden, 10 bzw. 20 Watt mehr im Schnitt als in den vergangenen Jahren auf gleicher Strecke.

Erwartungsgemäß überholten mich anfangs reichlich Triathleten, was mich aber nicht beunruhigte, hat mein ERGOMO Wattleistungsmesser doch immer zuverlässig die Daten geliefert. Bis nach Kawaihae konnte ich die Kraft im erwarteten Bereich gut dosierern, danach folgt ein längeres Stück bergauf und mit Gegenwind nach Hawi. Von hier standen 230-240W auf dem Plan, wissend, dass das Stück zurück durch Gefälle und Rückenwind geprägt sein würde und die getretene Leistung daher geringer ausfällt. So war es dann auch: Starke Windböen fielen erst von der Seite, dann  von vorne über uns her und es gab einige gefährliche Situationen, in which cyclists were threatening to plunge and at least three seriously crashed on the descent, as we learned later.

The descent was as expected, extremely sensitive. My theory from the old sailor days following, in which the incident pointed to the sail (wheel) acting wind speed increases and thus causes fewer side drift, I made myself as small issue in full aero position on the bike and raced with Höstgeschwindigkeit down the mountain and mass of riders over, the fighting in the upper arm posture visibly nervous with the side winds. My wind shift was significantly lower than that of the supporters and my bike was like a board, so I made up many places.

Back on the Queen K 'Highway arrived, I had enough grain to maintain the planned pace. And as expected, I was the one who could pass to the other. My ERGOMO was finally 221 W average power (225W NP) and I knew that I do not rip quilting adventure and should have saved up enough energy for running. As I was during the bike ride again and again with new intervals and HF, TF, Watt and Average Watts values \u200b\u200bthe stopped working, had occurred to me only in the transition zone, the bike course had ended with a bomb time for me.

jumping barefoot from the wheel, recording the run-bags and into the changing tent, socks and running shoes, Fuel Fold Belt with the prepared Gel-/Salzflaschen and hit the run course!
The run proved to be a little difficult at the beginning. Although I was traveling quickly, but I was not such a great feeling. So I had until after a stop at KM 8 Dixi wait until the legs felt quite well. Get round it felt until I had the slope of the Palani Road behind me and I opened myself in the lava desert to the Energy Lab. Half way I turned to this Very first time my best tactic, "Go in the catering areas to carefully ice-water and food intake and immediate restart after completion of the necessary". As the pace for the distance between the stations I chose 4:45 min / km, which should aim at a 3:30 hour marathon.
During the marathon I kept coming to mind, the "total system Dirk" to check and found time and again that everything was alright. Although the soles of the feet to KM 35 felt already plenty painful, but such occurrences are preparing not really worried at the prospect of the approaching end of competition.
Just before turning into the Palani Road encountered a German-language triathlete, that the end probably just over 10 hours would be, and for me at that time on this route is not considered possible value. Although my lap times could have been used to bring the knowledge, but my calculation skills were, I already knew of me, progressively with increasing duration of the race. The "home run" on the Alii Drive proved to be difficult again because I was out of sheer euphoria probably increased the pace of the last 1,000 m too much. Less than 300 meters from the finish line reported to the calves and failed to alert the United Cramps almost their service. I again took out some speed and concentrated on good and upright to cross the finish line.

Only 120 meters ...

... 75 meters ...

The joy was great!

... done!


  • Total time: 10:02:53 hrs
  • Swimming 1:07 47
  • cycling: ; 5:19:13
  • run: 3:29:12 run,
  • place 482 in the overall standings,
  • place 32 age group.
I have achieved all the objectives for Hawaii 2010, also the one I had not made up my mind. In advance I would have a place among the top 500 can not imagine. All sections, starting with swimming, cycling and running each beat my most optimistic expectations. I can only explain with an absolutely perfect day, a happy and successful training and Taperphase with the optimal pacing and nutrition plan. Hopefully works in the future, a similar race in which I think in retrospect no improvement could.
And so I look forward to a future with more races and similarly beautiful feelings of happiness.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Why Does Tip Of Big Toe Hurt

Hawaii Splitter ... Continued

as the first week in Hawaii under the auspices of the final Akklimation and training, are in the week of competition for us hardcore chill shopping more, and study the latest triathlete needs in the program.

Ford Ironman fair opened on Tuesday with the state entry Parade of Nations and opened its doors - not admittedly quite expensive land of plenty - for kaufwütige triathletes.
Click here for everything away like hot cakes, what is imprinted with "Ironman 2010". Wrist watches, sports and leisure clothing, backpacks, stickers, coffee mugs and memorabilia related to dog collar, leash and fressnapf here who buy them.
latter was presented at the same Digm-Beach.

The Digmebeach like slow a madhouse. For the last week, yet leisurely start mile is a mass arrival with hectic bustle from 6:00 Clock to 10:00 clock become. Here it is obviously to show colleagues how great it is measured by its own ordered on fitness or physique is necessary to have instilled respect.
Fortunately, I know that muscle bulk are usually no big runner and I will be manageable with my muscle mass, at least on the running track a slight advantage.

In the meantime, we have found with other students symbiotic well. The little house gecko we have already noted on feeder. The fact that this little creature but at the pleasure of caffeine stains the floor of the porch was, we discovered only today. With pleasure, he sipped from the bottom of the drops generated during the pouring of the cups. Of course, we have burned to the to the SD card. determined

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Apple Juice Constipation

training completion

The official end of our training, a longer journey by car to Hawi, the outermost turning point of the bike ride across the lava desert, to be accepted. Packaged for Danny, Micah, and I accompanied our bikes in the van and drove from Asdis, Anjuli and Thomas early in the morning going.

But before we get on the bike changed, we pushed a tourist activity. The road led through Hawi and until the Polulou Valley Lookout. From here we had a great view in a tropical setting on the north-eastern tip of Big Iceland.

went after a short stop in Hawi with chai latte, cappuccino and muffins Bananabred it go for good. What makes this stretch of the route are the extistierenden in most cases wind conditions. Violently blows against this the cycling to the turning point, then again later in the back side to a short time, mostly strong gusty make the cycling difficult. Not infrequently occurring thereby serious falls in front of all the lighter and careless cyclists.