Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tylenol For Constipation

Material Check

Once we have all a flat tire at one or the other drive with the wheel on the Queen K 'suffered Highway, we can confirm that the Vittoria PitStop (a liquid sealant, which means to defect a compressed air spray the flat tire filled) served its purpose brilliantly. A downside is the aftermarket Cost: $ 15 per flat tires are not cheap.

Ford Ironman Florida WTC rights holder has given us Triathletes a surprise brought by identifying and by redefining the rules of the best swimming gear swimming suits, in Triavolksmund Speedsuit, has prohibited, only to admit worked on different swimsuits.
The suit manufacturers are rubbing their hands and throw them into new compositions, the current regulations, appropriate clothes for a lot of money on the market. We have only to test the new material to have on race day, the feeling of being competitive.
The current fashion is presented by the models Michael, Danny and Dirk.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Water Retention While Travelling

Hawaii Splitter

The 2nd Day in a row we have to visit the swimming distance of one (same?) Get dolphin school. Ca. 15 define cavorting at the buoy "Mile 1.2" around, our current 1,000 m turning point for the morning Schwimmtörn. Within reach, we swam in the middle of the school and were happy as children.

unfamiliar to many are the current weather conditions in Kailua-Kona. From the Pier to Keauhou Bay on the day it is often cloudy. Today we are caught in a shower at Kona admittedly still appealing 28 degrees. Rumors According to the first humans have yet been frozen. To prevent this, we have decided to take preventive anti-freeze.

right are the beaches, of which postcards are shot. Yesterday, our expedition team after the purchase of postcards presented as evidence, to find the hidden oases. Obviously the team has found it. crackle

Strange Cards With Sayings

stretching ey ...

on the common triathletes churning out more or less targeted information to improve the IMMLER (individual maximum Power) down. Now I also row in the ranks of clever speaker and pass on the experience with me in my workouts and good to use without much effort.

stretching the calf muscles are required. I present to this effect in my foot with a hoe and hit the sites in an increase in toe as close to the tibial side by shifting the center of mass. In this position, the stretch about 20 seconds on hold. After three repetitions you can complete the exercise, ideally, by coupling with other motions. Pumping Armauf and down movements promote the expansion and strong Moreover, the arm muscles.
How does this work in practice? Take the closest, obliquely grown palm and apply to the above recipe, then it works immediately.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kohler K3386da Anchor

surveying Schwimstrecke, Posing, chill, training, add memory ..

The life of a triathlete is characterized by many rituals. As for the "normal triathletes" applies is certainly transferable to Ironman participants.

The compulsory routine morning swim at the beginning of the official swim start at the corner of Palani Road and Alii Drive, we were peppered with the following task: Danny as the fastest Swimmer should be at the getonnten line to the "Mile 1.2", a carefully measured turn buoy hold for the half Ironman distance. Micha and I based ourselves at the far left swimming area of the trail, because we expected there by "insider" more effective flow. For us, "Adrift" as a comparative manner, it is always important to the swimming slippers weakness by using all the legal tricks. And rumors about helpful aft movements on the left side line, we could not ignore in our situation, of course.
When I was little competition for our 2nd 18:33 minutes at last reached the buoy, Danny was already 2:13 mins break behind and had clearly relaxed. Micah was a good third with a further 45 seconds behind.
OK, so it is shown that the mere "driftwood tactics" would probably not be worthwhile. I decided to hone in the coming days to continue with the necessary form to Plan B, the water swimming to implement shadow, you better.

The next item on the agenda we had to rely fully on our crew Asdis and Anjuli, "posing". This had to be, but wanted our daily CN have material for an announcement of the Ironman. In the absence of Jan, who have debuted this year in Hawaii and later arriving, we removed a stone's throw from our porch to glow on the Lavarocks brought the cameras.

The mood was great, as we (whisper sweet nothings?) Then immediately go on a Honu Turtle Beach could see into the water. This lagoon is a paradise for tropical fish and green sea turtles, because they and their numerous coral has grown on underwater rocks protection.
After extensive chilling followed a 10-km run training session in a 5-section on Alii Drive. There is hardly a running track, the atmosphere for more has to offer triathletes. Great houses and villas with super well-kept gardens in a fantastic location right on the shoreline are interspersed with hotels and apartment complexes and lined up more than 9 miles to enter to Kona. It is part of hosts by trained triathletes, including celebrities and semi-celebrities of the scene.
traces the economic crisis are undeniable. At every 4th House hangs a sign with the words "for sale".

was after such an eventful day, the replenishment of the energy storage requirement. Micha the Fox remembered the "triathletes assembly" at Pizza Hut. For 12 $ we went in there and took care dafür, dass auch der morgige Tag sicher ohne kalorisches Defizit überlebt werden kann.

Wem es noch eines Beweises bedarf, dass die Tage von Kona anstrengend sind, der möge einen Bick auf das Foto werfen, was während der Arbeit des Autors an diesem Artikel entstanden ist.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kate's Playgroundhd 2010

Aloha, we arrived in Kona ... Hawaii

Und schon wieder war es soweit. Nach einer langen Reise, diesmal von Hamburg über NewYork und Honolulo nach Kailua-Kona haben wir unser Quartier im wunderschönen Surf and Racquet Club in unmittelbarer Nähe zum "Turtle Beach" am Alii Drive bezogen. Eine wunderschönes, zweistöckiges Appartment mit vier Zimmern, Küche, 3 Bädern und einer riesigen Veranda direkt zum Meer, welches direkt 15 m vor der Fassade am Fels endet.
Auch diesmal lief nicht alles glatt. Danny vermisst ihren Koffer, der, wie wir gerade erfahren haben, jetzt noch in New York am Flughafen weilt und nachgeschickt werden soll. Ich habe außerdem ein wichtiges Adapterteil für meinen ERGOMO-Wattmesser vergessen. Zum Glück kommt Thomas in ein paar Tagen nach und bringt es hinterher, auf jeden Fall sehr rechtzeitig vor dem Rennen am 9.10. Glück muss man haben!

33 Weeks Pregnant, Very Sore Spot On Stomach

Keller decrease Glatthaar & Danhaus

Heute war die Kellerabnahme nach Fertigstellung des Kellers. Anwesend war der Bauleiter von der Firma Glatthaar Fertigkeller und der Bauleiter von unserer Hausbaufirma Danhaus. Pünktlich um 8.00 Uhr hat die Abnahme angefangen. Die beiden Herren haben die gestellte Aufmauerung vermessen und festgestellt, dass einige Steine nicht ganz richtig positioniert waren. Ein Paar smaller contracts were to be done, but by and large, everything was fine.
After surveying, we have visited the cellar together. Since it had rained heavily the day before was a lot of water in the basement. Since we had ordered a lifting system and this could be installed in few minutes the water in no time was gone. Then we have
called the coarse drainage and implementation issues for electric and pipes. This decrease was the basement then stopped again, would not it be that we still had some questions:
- The wet spot in the wall in the opinion of the project manager has no meaning, unless a house is on the basement, water penetrate up into the wall. After the House authorities should have solved the problem.
- The lowered ceiling, as described in the contract, has not been executed. Topic will be pursued ...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Warped Vans Tour Tents

own work: Conduit and basement

wanted on this rainy Saturday (set screw at the Keller panels), the holes in the basement walls with the purchased electric plaster stuff. Since it had rained all night and this morning was raining heavily, the cellar was full of water. The water was dripped down over the opening of the stairs to the ground floor, which was completed only a few boards.
was surprising, however, that was damp and in the last corner (on the terrace) to a corner. The Subject, we must directly address on Monday.

We have succeeded in spite of rain or something, we have the holes filled and we have after a long search found the electrical wires from the street and conduits laid.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Samsung Lcd Tv Slightly Fuzzy Screen

delivery cistern

was delivered today our cistern. Shortly after 8 clock got the call that the truck would be about 9 clock on our property. When the truck arrived the driver had to first look for a suitable base for his crane, and the tank weighs almost 6000 kg (4500 kg for the tank, 1500 kg for the Bonus).

began when he put the tank into the hole came the question "who makes the mortar on the edge to seal?". Logically, we have not thought of it. Nice if so what is also informed in advance times. In any case, the tank has been set and we can either ask our civil contractors to lift the lid on again, so we can seal it with mortar, or we make it on the outside. not much is expected, since the overflow is practically right.

When we got home, our home was full of boxes, nor the domestic water supply, cables, etc. are delivered simultaneously, blocking our entrance hall.

I Cant Find Behind Rebel Lines Anywhere

SPAM Opera

buildings for the spam Opera

Schauspielhaus Wien August 2010
Regie: Annika Haller
Bühnenbild: Daniela Juckel 
 Bühnenbildassistenz: Jaros and Maria Pia Wiebersinsky

What Can Lack Of Oxygen Do To The Legs


short film "Paradeisiana" 2009
directed by Hans Hofer
Camera: Judith Hasleder
Facilities: Pia Jaros, Kristina county judge, Tina tinski Horvath

Megan Goods Short Hair Cut

The converter

short film 2009 "The transformer"
Director: Robert Passini and Andreas Laden Gruber
Camera: Clement Kosher
Facilities: Pia Jaros

currently in post production

Saturday, September 18, 2010

3 Year Old Wording For Invite

own performance - paint work base

Finally, we could create own hand. After our civil contractors had filled the land down to -1.20 m, we got better we get at the base. And then was announced as appropriate. In a few hours, the base already put in a beautiful anthracite gray color instead of the boring 'Concrete Grey'.

Value Of Pez Dispenser

Civil Engineering - Wire and compaction (Binzer )