Keller decrease Glatthaar & Danhaus
Heute war die Kellerabnahme nach Fertigstellung des Kellers. Anwesend war der Bauleiter von der Firma Glatthaar Fertigkeller und der Bauleiter von unserer Hausbaufirma Danhaus. Pünktlich um 8.00 Uhr hat die Abnahme angefangen. Die beiden Herren haben die gestellte Aufmauerung vermessen und festgestellt, dass einige Steine nicht ganz richtig positioniert waren. Ein Paar smaller contracts were to be done, but by and large, everything was fine.
After surveying, we have visited the cellar together. Since it had rained heavily the day before was a lot of water in the basement. Since we had ordered a lifting system and this could be installed in few minutes the water in no time was gone. Then we have
called the coarse drainage and implementation issues for electric and pipes. This decrease was the basement then stopped again, would not it be that we still had some questions:
- The wet spot in the wall in the opinion of the project manager has no meaning, unless a house is on the basement, water penetrate up into the wall. After the House authorities should have solved the problem.
- The lowered ceiling, as described in the contract, has not been executed. Topic will be pursued ...
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