Sunday, November 14, 2010

Religious Get Well Inspiration

target search 2011, 2012

The 2009/2010 season with an early Ironman Malaysia in February and late October in Hawaii was very long. I have almost 13 months without a break after my Trainingsplan gelebt und erlebe jetzt, was es heißt, "ziellos" zu sein. Das ist ja nicht wirklich schlimm, aber für mich eine lange hinter mir geglaubte Herausforderung.

Mir fällt es jetzt unendlich schwer, irgendeiner sportlichen Betätigung nachzugehen, weil sie noch nicht auf ein Ziel hinführt. Für Sport "einfach so" reicht meine Motivation einfach nicht aus.
So freue ich mich über jeden Anruf von Freunden, die einen Lauf-/Schwimm- oder Radpartner suchen. So weit reicht mein Bewegungsdrang dann doch, dass ich das nicht ausschlage.

Gestern beim Schwimmtraining im USC, meinem Triathlonverein, sagte mir Sascha, dass er plane, am Rotterdam Marathon am 10. April kommenden Jahres teilnehmen to do. Another club to join his colleague had also expressed readiness against him already. A Marathon in 2011 would Fühjahr ideal for me as my inner voice whispers a long time that I must still run a fast marathon anyway. The only "solo" marathon that I ran itself, is already 7 years, was at a time when I compared to today focusses not so trained, and only limited experience in endurance sports had to show.

Today, other times as a goal at that time, after all, a 3:02 in Hamburg will be targeted. Based on the current performance and experience should, if all goes well, 2:50 a possible, provided perfect preparation and a fast track. Memories of the in 2003 physically extremely painful preparation have stifled another attack on my marathon personal best so far in the bud, but now the time seems to be ripe and fit to the appointment.

As IRONMAN climax 2011 I have registered in the past week at the IM-Florida, which took place on 5/11/2011. Michael and Daniela, just two in Florida in their respective age groups M45 and W25 imports swarmed the victory, so much of the event, that I booked myself. Since Florida a "qualifier" for the Hawaii Ironman in 2012, I like very well. In 2012, I would like to try that is a newcomer in the next step M50 to achieve a good placing in the age group and if the quality does not work, then I have another attempt in the first half of 2012th

with a marathon in April and an Ironman in November, the framework for my future active life is set. Now have to use only the plan that requires me again day after day, I have to train. Then finally it's over with the frigging and again plenty of time for me to remember the "cozy time" back.


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