Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ontario Trailer Transfer

TL Malle - 9 Days

Before today I had some "sleeves". 2 * 1 speed training on the bike and hours on it the same 1.5-hour fast running, ran the program.

Even the 30 minute Frühjog felt exhausting. We all saw that the weather has changed to heavy rain and thus the prospects for the rest of the day were rather dull and not very enticing. When, after breakfast, the rain increased again, my motivation was for the inevitable further into the cellar. About midday I was able to act, I grabbed a water proof, swung down on the wheel to take the surface route from El'Arenal to Santanyi addressed. The first interval
Designs very difficult, almost torture. After 15 minutes of easy Pedallierens the second interval and felt much better from the start. After 3:19 hours I was finally back at the hotel and was able to take off my wet clothes.

wheel unit outcome: first
Interval, 60 minutes: 232W; 146HF; 84TF
second Interval, 60 minutes: 236W; 147HF; 84TF
Total: 3:19 hours, 209 W, 140 HF, 105 km, 31.6 km / h

missing now "only" the 1:30 run. I poured Coke into me and took a gel, so I do not starve. Unfortunately I had left the running belt with the drinks ...
In the beginning was not a problem, then I felt als wenn ich langsam von innen heraus austrockne. Nach einer Stunde habe ich dann einen Mallorciener vor seinem Haus erfolgreich um einen Tropfen Wasser (es wurde eher ein halber Liter!) angefleht, danach ging es mir deutlich besser. Das zugeführte PowerGel verlieh mir zusätzlich Flügel, so dass die Einheit noch respektabel wurde.

Ergebnis Lauf:
nach 20 Minuten: 4:36 Min/km, HF 146
nächste 20 Minuten: 4:29 Min/km, HF 156
nächste 20 Minuten: 4:38 Min/km, HF 157
nächste 20 Minuten: 4:31 Min/km, HF 157 (endlich Wasser)
Rest: 4:17 Min/km, HF 164
Gesamt: 19,4 km, 4:32 Min/km, HF 155, Zeit 1:28:28

After that I was pretty flat and picked up all my supplies as much edible Sun Cola, cakes, bars, protein bars, etc.
also fell from the rich dinner: a huge steak with fried potatoes even more after the carbohydrate had been destroyed from the first wave of feeding, had to be! For tomorrow's hill training should again be present enough calories in my body ;-).


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