6. times went
After yesterday's mammoth stage today over 73km and 2363 meters to Male - Stage
Ponte di Legno. At 6 clock have already been picked up our bags - which meant 6 hours of sleep. But we were motivated anyway, after yesterday's performance we can be very satisfied. The departure from our hotel 10 km from Passo del Tonale, which in summer is pretty much left to Ponte di Legno was very fun, so have to start a good biking day. At the start / finish area arrived daily procedure: Call High5 gel prior to purchase, last WC-course and the battle for starting places. Unfortunately, we start again from block C.
If the starting signal can then be put on all your mind, start to block C then pass by 2-3min. Without a long way round it was now directly in the first mountain, 1200 meters over a path which was mostly just a mobile track. Surprisingly, our legs were very good, we were working place to place forward. It's just huge fun when it comes to the front and has put pressure on the pedal. However, you forget for sheer ambition, but that more than 4 hours in the saddle. After reaching the top it went directly into a single trail which concentration and strength in standing ... So be asked Bars and gel thrown while riding in the hope not to fall right down the slope. Followed quickly by Iso throw drinking and after 5 min, the concentration slowly looking up again. The rest of the route consisted of increases of approximately 400 meters, some hiking, some beautiful flowige singletrack. The day was just great, great range and great weather. We always start with 2 x 700ml bottles full, and came to the aid stations just fine. But today we were after the first climb very well and placed far forward so that we have seen neither the landscape around us, could take pictures the way and have skipped the last aid station complete. came after the 15km descent namely the last part to Male: 15km Bolzerstecke light falling on tar. Some bike paths, some small ramps in the street with destination. At this time we would have located the Top70, and carried a team from Italy served well on slipstreaming. Until then, this damn 4cm piece of glass Nicos slashing tires, tubeless rear of the drive with docblue swallow milk. The hole was so large that the liquid is sealed nothing. Nico wanted only not believe it until it completely at 50km / h rear wheel lost the air.
stopping, wheel out, Nico removed before the tubeless valve, Daniel prepared tube and CO ²-cartridge, and look Shard Remove hose in, cartridge and shoot wheel clean. In sum, it took but 2-3min and estimated 30 riders later, we were only back on the bike. This was the second plates within the 6th Transalp stages.
Full of anger inside, we tried single-handedly to the two major groups that had overtaken us ranzufahren. With a headwind at about 50km / h and stop pulse 180 after about 4 hour drive is no easy occasion. We fought to the finish, übersprintet the last 2 ramps in the saddle, but our good ranking was gone. 92nd after 4:30 h. We are very happy about it and looking forward to the last two remaining Stages, Madonna and on Saturday morning after the last stage to Riva. On the one hand, it is really a drag to drive on the limit every day, on the other hand, it is simply fantastic to experience the most beautiful sport with the most amazing landscapes and routes.
disorientation for days |
Our performance charts of each stage can be found in unserem Picasa Webalbum, welches direkt in unserem Blog verlinkt ist.
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power values \u200b\u200bStage 6 by Daniel |
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