Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good Bible Verse For Baby Shower

Off topic

On the current political situation in Germany, and the current (In my humble opinion) scandal involving Mr. Defense:
Each student learns in the first semester or even before at the high school that are quoted from sources and literature, the accepted text passages and thought paths. If you do not, the whole thing is called plagiarism and is punishable in the best case with non-existence.
is obvious that this will not, if you are prominent party and Cabinet member. Volumes for the attitude of political Germany speaks to science and research on the reliability of the Chancellor, they have finally set no scientific assistant. If you are also of the opinion that plagiarism is not just a minor offense, 's to sign here the possibility, an open letter to Mrs. Merkel . I've just done it once and now researching further. "To lose the overview" Hopefully without. But I also do not defend nor incidentally with attacks on fuel tankers as supreme warlord of the Federal Republic in the Hindu Kush or take care competently and fairly to the events on the sailing ships of the German Navy.

Ajax Dish Soap Contact Eye

House building construction

We moved in the new home.

How To Polish Boots With Kiwi

Week 8 Week 7 2011 2011

After a long inactivity on our blog page now some news:

found in this week's decline, including our house blower door test. For the home inspection, we went through the house again completely and have the main errors and open issues discussed and included in the acceptance report. Actually, the big construction sites are completed, are ultimately a matter such as door adjustment (height, or compensation) and little damage open.

The blower door test confirms the tightness of the house. With wind speeds of about 5 Baufort from the front door the House with a pressure and vacuum applied. On all windows and doors for leaks is checked. Some leaks have been found, but also leak here, the values \u200b\u200bwere all right. Nevertheless, of course, rectified, particularly since forms on the leaks mold.

The agreements have been recorded in the acceptance report and the repairs are done in a short time.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Does Seborrheic Dermatitis Burn On The Face

La Petite France

I'm always up for eccentric excursions. As my classmate Laura of the first Korean language course last year in Seoul, and their membership in the Centre Culturel Francais two tickets to "La Petite France" presented has received, so we are now in glorious early spring sunshine (at last) there broken. Conveniently, Cheongpyeong is connected since last fall at the Seoul subway system, so that one not even have to go by bus. Hiking Unpraktischerweise's the Korean weekend pleasure number one, so the subway was slightly crowded. Well, it's was cheap.
La Petite France has just been at the input (see above) can easily recognize a certain fondness for the little prince. In addition, you can also tell German Dirndl try and buy all sorts of creepy things from Europe (including the Portuguese Valves from Barcelos). You feel almost as at home in Europe.
on fun activities else is a "traditional French house, where, for example, may be tried on funny hats. I love hats, but unfortunately I'm not fashion brave enough to wear them too - except my Basque cap I have now raised for the occasion, she also has the great advantage that it hides the current undyed gray hair, hehe.
entertaining was the menu at Le Petit Bistro, where it except the Korean version of fried steak, for whatever reason Spaghetti and Tomato Cream Spaghetti was. And we had been so looking forward to a baguette or a croissant.
Finally, in this picturesque setting was also a drama filmed , which I unfortunately never made it to the end - with the threat of hearing loss of the female protagonist, the singer was (because of brain cancer) it was my time too much again, and shot the photos for advertising another drama . This I got through two Gündem to the bitter end, the first was the house was shot in the. My secret dream is namely not to marry a Hallyustar, but one day in a renovated Hanok Staying , ahem. The second reason was the male lead, grinning.

both together led to a number that hung around Hallyufans at La Petite France, there to walk in the footsteps of their heroes. Somehow I always have been amused that again - and there are definitely shows, I have watched for a while like (Grey's Anatomy), but that I would not probably go to Seattle. The Dramafan sees it differently!
Besides this she is around Petite France is simply a beautiful landscape. To prove there's still a picture.
How to get there: either by metro to Cheongpyeong after, then limp to the local bus terminal and take a bus to La Petite France, or taxi ride (costing about 16,000 won). Or from Cheongnyangni (before the Lotte Department Store) by bus number 1330 (red) go straight there. Does it cost only 1700 won, and we see many interesting outskirts of Seoul. But's take a little longer.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Awesome Online Pokemon


little late, but still nice: All World Students were invited to the headquarters of the nation's fire in order to eat there .... surprise .... nice to hear a lecture on traditional Korean holidays, and then to the Dessert traditional music heard. This one makes me always very happy! And here are the pictures ...
Professor Lee, the former president of Ewha Womans University.
in order to celebrate the day extra Hanbok!

delicious, delicious: Abalone
During the meal we got from a competent authority (Professor Lee himself had the honor ) a lecture on traditional holidays in Korea, not only Seollal and Chuseok. Most have with the change of seasons and to do the traditional rhythm of rural life between sowing and harvesting, not like ours, so for the most part are based on Christian traditions. In addition, they were also mostly for the women, who traditionally spent their lives locked in the house, is a way to have fun out there. It is famous as a picture of Shin Yunbok (Hyewon), the women on the fifth day of the fifth month (Dano) according to the lunar calendar when you swing and swimming shows. Watching drama is sometimes more ^ ^. In Kangneung there's still a great festival on the occasion of this day. This year I'll get there's hope out times!
단오 풍정 (scene Dano)
Not surprising: In most of these days there is also a traditional meal (can greet the Christmas goose). To Seollal, the New Year according to the lunar calendar, is eaten tteokguk (rice cake soup), and if you eat this soup, it will be a year older - the age in Korea is somewhat different than ours counted. The year before the birth is already counted, and it is always the New Year when eating soup one years older, not the actual birthday. In Korea, I am now so already alarming 33 years old ( * dislike * ). With one foot in the grave!
Back to the subject, for dessert, there was then as I said even traditional music.
Somehow the Hanbok for women
been more becoming, right?
And, there was again Pansori! If (wenn. ..) I can understand one day then what is being sung now, I will definitely be the Hardcorefan. But even so it is quite nice!

Shooting Pain Down Left Side Hip

Donata macht sich einen Führerschein

Das gute Stück mit dem
eingebauten Gesichtsweißmacher!
Heute gibt's mal wieder einen Post aus der kurzen, aber immer wieder schönen Serie Donata und die koreanischen Behörden. Wenn man als Deutsche/r mit Führerschein in Korea Auto fahren möchte, muß man sich den deutschen Führerschein innerhalb eines Jahres umschreiben lassen. Dazu braucht man eine Bescheinigung/Übersetzung von der deutschen Botschaft (ausstellende Behörde: Böblingen 군청, lol) und muß dann noch einen Sehtest vor Ort machen. Da meine Kollegin für ihren Konferenztrip in die USA einen internationalen Führerschein needed, we then have occurred so common on the driver licensing authority in Kangnam. Alone I would have probably never got to the series, because actually I do not want to drive in Korea car. Imagine Italian temperament without Italian skills in driving and flexibility, then you have an idea about how it's hergeht on the streets of Seoul. Speaks volumes, the road deaths statistics.

buys first time you are at the proper authority a duty stamp (yes we know from German authorities) and then it goes off after pulling a number on the second floor, where one will be helped. The friendly officials behind the switch was also happy totally over my old driver's license - original pink cloth, November 1997! - And said in view of my pictures, I'd so not changed at all since then. No comment.

most worried I made myself actually because of an eye test, because I think my new glasses but chic, even if my mom found that she looks like Nana Mouskouri, but unfortunately it corresponds to the view in the distance, not quite my vision. To be fair, the eye test was wrong with his right eye, fits better, but unfortunately I do not actually with, because the left does all the work. The staff was pleased with my cash for this incredible knowledge of the Korean figures and the fact that I could say "mushroom" and "butterfly" in the local language. For the left eye I was then, after two (apparently correctly) figures released obscurities graciously. Basic Korean Language skills are paying but repeatedly in the most unexpected situations!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Going Bottomless, Punishment

Die koreanische Liebe zum Tempo, auch in der Liebe oder Ähnlichem

Always nice: Today I got a nice young man at first chatted, who then asked the popular question of my blood type. (There are quite a few people in this country who believe that the blood group says something about the character, much like star signs.) Then came the reply "Oh, I'm B then our children will have time type B blood. "Well, if one reviews the important things right at the beginning, I can say! Or are cross-cultural differences in humor, pass, unfortunately for me?
other hand, speak the stories of friends and acquaintances, who received the second date fervent vows of love and, um, shall we say frequent phone calls you get from some (not all) in hot love burning interest or other emotions were inflamed Koreans get so that it and relative care whether you just something else to do when you in the mood for a call. It again appears that once again the differences to be in pace between Korea and the rest of the world, not only order the food, which lead to this kind highlights. Why take your time when you finally can do the whole thing too quickly * innocent look *!
The usual disclaimer (inadmissible generalizations and hurt feelings), applies here again ...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is Driking Alcohol While Breastfeeding Bad

Korean Mushrooms Occupies the Tables of the Swiss

Korean mushrooms, Which has been already favored by chefs overseas not only for its use in a variety of food but also its high quality and nutrition, good taste and flavor, now attracts the Swiss people being one of their favorite dishes . Take a closer look.

Silver City Movie Costs

The Medical Service Project Shares New Life and Hope!

The Korea Medical Service Share Project supports children of Neighboring undeveloped regions suffering from the lack of medical facilities. The Korean government provides financial aids covering flight fees and expenses during the stay in Korea and private medical institutions covers the medical expenses. activities A detailed story on this year's first Danilya patient, a young boy from Russia continues along with an introduction of Korean medical institution's voluntary service. Read More.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Can Be Used As Waxing Strips

Love and Marriage...and Korean Textbooks

One thing that stands out in Korean language books is the relatively limited selection of topics. A subject that (in contrast to my other languages), however, really always occurs, the marriages. My vocabulary in the field, though nowhere else, is now quite comprehensive and includes, thanks to drama use, such key vocabulary such as "premarital pregnancy," "matchmaking meeting" (for lack of this concept in our country, I am not sure whether the right word) and "broken engagement to" field. To everyday life really useful and helpful! I find it funny

only that were from my previous sample of n = 8 Korean-teachers, estimated age structure of married between the late 20th and mid-40, the exact second Soit qui mal y pense Honni!

One thing that always strikes me about Korean language textbooks is their limited range of topics. However, there's one topic that's inevitably always included, and that is....tadaaa.... marriage . It wasn't featured that prominently in any of the other languages that I studied. My (otherwise pretty limited) Korean vocab has therefore expanded considerably in the area of love and marriage and includes such key expressions as "premarital pregnancy" (thanks to watching random dramas), "to see each other with a view to marry" and "to break off one's engagement". Really helpful for my everyday life!

The funny thing about it is that out of my up-to-now sample of n = 8 Korean language teachers, all in the (estimated) age range of late 20s to mid 40s, exactly n = 2 are married. Soit qui mal y pense Honni!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wishing You Well Chapter Summaries

Wurst für Korea

I just stumbled over this great article - at its best is really the comment with the bread and butter to, probably from a north German, for this part of my wonderful home country is characterized generally known by a very strong table and tobacco culture .
beautifully also the key words "Scientists, South Korea, work" and the comparison between East Frisian and the residents Namhae (even if not the province, but more so county). And, what a pity that I even though I'm German, sorry no sausage like where's dieses großartige Qualitätsprodukt dann bald hier gibt!

PS: Wie man eine Mettwurst in die koreanische Küche einfügen könnte? Ich warte auf kreative Vorschläge!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heart Guard Rottweiler


Der Englischlehrer: stellt schon mal ein positiv selektiertes Sample der Spezies dar, da er sich überhaupt in einen Sprachkurs begibt und sich nicht mit Koreanisch aus "Fun, Fast and Easy Korean for English Speakers" und vergleichbaren Werken oder "Making Out in Korean" zufriedengibt. Das ist ein Phrasebook, das allerdings nur die richtig wichtigen Sätze wie "Mach das Licht aus", "Ist das dein erstes Mal?", "Wissen deine Eltern von mir?" oder "Laß uns heiraten" enthält. Nervt meist trotzdem, auch die Nachbarn aus Kanada, aufgrund amerikanischer Aussprache/Vergewaltigung der wehrlosen koreanischen Sprache und/oder völliger Abwesenheit von Manieren in Kombination mit dem landestypischen "sense of entitlement".

Danke an für das Bild!
Der Nerd: gerne (ehemaliger) Studierender der Sinologie/Japanologie oder emeritierter Philosophieprofessor. Amüsiert sich in seiner Freizeit mit dem Erlernen klassischer koreanischer Musikinstrumente, die kein Koreaner spielt, weil's uncool ist, dem Malen der Vier Freunde (ehm, What are the names because in German?) in ink or reading books on the aesthetics of hanok (traditional Korean houses). Annoying teachers and fellow students, and cheered me with questions about the corresponding Chinese character or based on it matching proverbs. This is about the same as if you in German class intermediate at the Goethe Institut right after the Latin quotations à la "per aspera ad astra "instead of" only the tough get into the garden, asking "would. Should a team name in competitions in the Classroom " Turtle Ship" and similar before.

The Kyopo (Koreano-mostly Americans): far, I only had two of them (both male) in my classes and I'm not too sad about it. Both speak Nuscheler and for me lack of contact with this age group difficult to understand Ajeossi (middle-aged men), Korean, probably like dad at home in America. The younger of the two spent otherwise his time trying to get into pubs fights and in the classroom to indicate his side job as a bartender in Sinchon pursue less cool establishments or going on blind dates with 10 year older women who are then on the date Jägermeister the edge type. Otherwise, he drinks too happy itself (the older of the two is nice and unobtrusive).

The Orientals: know three times as many words as the rest of the class, all of grammar patterns knows by heart, writes error-free Korean texts, but, unfortunately, speaks in class, and so much more.

The object of desire (Rain)

The Hallyu Fan: usually female, is often but not exclusively, from Southeast Asia and came with a grant from the Korean government to acquire language or study of subjects such as "Korean History" in the country. Knows all the Kpop hits by heart, this could also phonetically sing even before she spoke a word Korean and of course, dominates the associated dances. Knows, thanks to the non-selective use of historical television dramas like "Jewel in the Palace" is also good in selective topics of Korean history as shown on TV. Secretly dreams of marrying after the successful completion of Level 6 of the enactment of a language course in Korean royal wedding in Hanbok Rain, Se7en, or any other Hallyustar.

Well, and in between I sit, watch drama (sometimes), learning Korean traditional musical instruments, which plays no Koreans, including some phonetic Kpop hits sing (what makes the college professor has swirled that the Koreans as such has after all a certain penchant for gossip), but no words, and probably the other students also go on our nerves * innocent look *. Average wait!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ovary Pains And Discharge Week Before Period

Secret Garden, the TV drama is not to end

Secret Garden, a Korean TV drama that won Favorable attention from the audience for the actors' excellent performance and its famous lines. The main location sites where the main characters had lived their lives inside the story as well received great attention from the fans. Take a closer look.

Baseball Themed Reception

K-Pop growth into the States, the heart of pop music

In the 70s and 80s young Koreans listened to American pop music admiring the American pop stars, however in 2010 the picture seems to have changed. Hanlyu (the Korean wave) in Japan and Thailand is now moving on to the Northern America; Korea is now receiving fair attention from their American fans enjoying Korean pop music. The fandom of Korean pop music (K-pop) is growing beyond its region reaching to America and Europe, the heart of pop music. 

Hip hop, R&B, electronic dance and etc. has originated from the Western cultures, yet these genres have been interpreted by Asian sentiments in Korea and developed a unique style of pop music. It then has been introduced back to the global market; it is pop music but from Korea. A recent research on K-pop video views on YouTube statistics, a global video-sharing website, well illustrate this phenomenon. Read More.

Tumour Calcification What Does It Mean

Dodo Dada's Daily

gout de ciel
Here's an example from a butterfly for example
that it can lie happy on a rock
An example that it can lie on this unsweetened
stone friendlessly and alone now let
my bed I do not care.

(unfortunately is not mine, but one of my coffee cup from the Unicafe)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Unused Contact Lenses

I suffer at Seoul's syndrome?

yesterday complained the language course is one of my classmates (three guesses where and zu welchem Zwecke im Land) darüber, daß es in koreanischen Supermärkten ja keine 20 verschiedenen Milchsorten geben würde. Daraufhin sagte ich ungefragt "und dafür gibt's in amerikanischen Supermärkten nur eine Sorte Kimchi, wenn überhaupt". Auf meinem langen Heimweg im Bus habe ich ja viel Zeit zum Nachdenken und meditierte daher über die Frage, ob ich wohl (in Anlehnung an das Stockholm-Syndrom ) am Seoul-Syndrom leide. Zwar bin ich nicht entführt, sondern definitiv freiwillig hier, aber mein zwingendes Bedürfnis, derartige Bemerkungen zu machen, hat mich doch so ein bißchen erschreckt. Is this love...?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Suggested Name For Salon

Seollal Special, Part 3

seafood "pizza".
a little late, but better late than never!
What always fascinates me is the speed with which the average Koreans in the restaurant gives up his order. In general, running the whole thing so that he goes to the restaurant, in the same minute of termination of his appointment and then hungry waiting is on the table, while the slow long-nose (ie me) has to first time contemplating the menu, what the staff usually already put in more stress and demands, whether we would have decided for now compels the 30-second clock. The pace is safely through Several factors increased. First, many restaurants specialize here to a kind of food (grilled meat, raw fish, pancakes uh Pizza ), which means that one if you're in a group that already has to figure out what you want for you. (But even in restaurants where there's all sorts of food, the whole thing does not go much more slowly). Second, Eating out in Korea, because it's very cheap, not as the "special event" as in Germany, where they engaged in would want to treat yourself to something special. Third, patience is not exactly the allerhervorstechendste Korean trait, and why should just the beloved Eating any different? I'm just wondering if I probably will someday be so far that I know before entering the restaurant, because what I really want to have!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Milena Velba Compared Nadine Jansen

Seollal Special, Part 2

Traditional Houses in Bukchon in Seoul.
was used to keep the world still in

Korea not only has the highest Internet speed, and with the Free PISA results, but also the highest suicide rate and the lowest scores in Happiness issues in OECD countries. As one of the reasons is often the loss of traditional culture above (especially the loss of importance of the family) that has taken place because of bad globalization. When the people did not know that we can live differently, they could hardly even think about whether one would be happier because maybe not so. Three miniatures on the theme of my acquaintance:

"I have no desire to live with my parents at home (which is the default, until we say in the holy state of marriage, as long as parents do not live anywhere else), so I have to get married next year. "

"We're going to Seollal accessible to my family. Last year, my Frau total aufgeregt, weil sie drei Tage nonstop in der Küche stand und ich ihr zu Hause auch immer helfe. Aber meine Eltern erwarten halt, daß ich wie alle Männer drei Tage lang nur rumsitze und nichts tue, was soll ich da auch machen."

"Ich bleib an Seollal lieber alleine in Seoul, weil meine Verwandten mir sowieso nur die ganze Zeit auf die Nerven gehen, wann ich denn endlich heirate. Aber heiraten ist mein wichtigster Vorsatz für das neue Jahr." (Mit dem Bräutigam dazu hat sie bis jetzt genau 6 gemeinsame Tage verbracht, weil er zur Zeit woanders arbeitet. Ob er schon von diesen Plänen weiß, weiß ich auch nicht.)

Is Adenomyosis Disability

Seollal Special, Part 1

Juhu, es ist wieder soweit - drei Tage frei zum Neujahr nach dem Mondkalender! Während sich die ausnahmslos kollektivistisch orientierten Einheimischen (mehr dazu später) auf das Gruppenevent "Autobahnstau in die Heimat" begeben, werde ich als egozentrische Westlerin drei fröhliche Tage in Seoul verbringen, Freunde treffen, Frühjahrsputz machen und faul sein.
Das Thema des heutigen Tages wird mal wieder mein Lieblingstopos, der Koreanischunterricht als solcher sein, diesmal aber mit Schwerpunkt auf Unterrichtsmaterialien. Thema in unserem Lesebuch war "Koreanische Kultur". Ich finde es ja schon in Sprachen, die ich weitgehend problemlos beherrsche, recht schwierig, mich über vergleichbar komplexe Themen nuanciert auszudrücken, aber das Lehrbuchteam hatte scheinbar keine derartigen Concerns. Basic subject of the article, the differences between "Westerners" and "Easterners" (no, not that were in Germany, but rather the East Asians as such by that, and the Westerners as a long nose, as such, because we are always all the same, similar East Asians are all the same).
East Asian collectivists from North Korea.
Thanks for the picture to
After the happy beer bottles as the initial the article went on with linguistic commonplaces (the Korean woman and her "our husband" ) and that the collective consciousness of Westerners on the "I" is limited, while that of the Easterners to the "we" extends. This leads to the fact that the success of the children is considered, for example, as the success of the parents (only in the East, of course, to the west, there are no skating mums and no parents who want to switch to the successful promotion of her son a congratulatory ad in the local paper!). Even cooler was the whole, but in the last part. Western children do not provide any group work in school because they're all individuals known to give their classmates, no homework to copy out and help them not to cheat in exams.
's cooler might instead simply read poetry or short stories. We have enough change, I go to sleep now.