Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Is Adenomyosis Disability

Seollal Special, Part 1

Juhu, es ist wieder soweit - drei Tage frei zum Neujahr nach dem Mondkalender! Während sich die ausnahmslos kollektivistisch orientierten Einheimischen (mehr dazu später) auf das Gruppenevent "Autobahnstau in die Heimat" begeben, werde ich als egozentrische Westlerin drei fröhliche Tage in Seoul verbringen, Freunde treffen, Frühjahrsputz machen und faul sein.
Das Thema des heutigen Tages wird mal wieder mein Lieblingstopos, der Koreanischunterricht als solcher sein, diesmal aber mit Schwerpunkt auf Unterrichtsmaterialien. Thema in unserem Lesebuch war "Koreanische Kultur". Ich finde es ja schon in Sprachen, die ich weitgehend problemlos beherrsche, recht schwierig, mich über vergleichbar komplexe Themen nuanciert auszudrücken, aber das Lehrbuchteam hatte scheinbar keine derartigen Concerns. Basic subject of the article, the differences between "Westerners" and "Easterners" (no, not that were in Germany, but rather the East Asians as such by that, and the Westerners as a long nose, as such, because we are always all the same, similar East Asians are all the same).
East Asian collectivists from North Korea.
Thanks for the picture to
After the happy beer bottles as the initial the article went on with linguistic commonplaces (the Korean woman and her "our husband" ) and that the collective consciousness of Westerners on the "I" is limited, while that of the Easterners to the "we" extends. This leads to the fact that the success of the children is considered, for example, as the success of the parents (only in the East, of course, to the west, there are no skating mums and no parents who want to switch to the successful promotion of her son a congratulatory ad in the local paper!). Even cooler was the whole, but in the last part. Western children do not provide any group work in school because they're all individuals known to give their classmates, no homework to copy out and help them not to cheat in exams.
's cooler might instead simply read poetry or short stories. We have enough change, I go to sleep now.


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